FedEx Golf Branding…

As an Ex employee of FedEx Express, I am glad that FedEx  has choosen GOLF for promoting its services globally. It was  promoting the sport before with individual PGA Tournaments, but after launching FedEx Cup in Nov 2005  will continue the golf glory till 2017 with a WHOOPING PRIZE money of $10 MILL (for 2012 subject to change later) , it has gained lot more global presence than just one event.

And not to forget the Beautiful FedEx Cup Trophy, read the STORY of the Trophy.

The details of the FedEx Cup is in WIKKI (click here).

To represent a global brand what better sport you can think of then GOLF. One thing which I was always fascinated was the FedEx Golf Advertisements. The are humors, simple and the message is very clear. I don’t know about the ad agency they are working with but KUDOS to them for the work they have done.

Here are the list of all the videos that FedEx has, both for the FedEx Cup and other ads in general (Golf related).

A FedEx and Taylormade Ad… WOW One MILLION R11 DRIVER.